Thema: Schlammschlacht
Autor: HJ M8. Datum: 21.08.2005 03:07
Hallo Jürgen Mayer,
Die Informationen welche ich an Dich geschickt habe kamen zurück da Deine mailbox voll sei.
This report relates to your message with the following details.
Subject: Schlammschlacht
Date: 20 Aug 2005 11:32:11 -0700
Your message was not sent to
The system handling mail for
did not accept your message, because this user has exceeded their quota. The system will not acce............
Selbe Info geht nun an
Hoffe das klappt.
Schönen Gruss
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Bei uns geht's meist "nur" um RhB!

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