Diskussionsbeitrag weiterempfehlen

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Thema: Friedhelm Weidelich verlässt Gartenbahn profi.
Autor: Knut8 S.8
Datum: 09.01.2007 17:59

Wurde im US Forum gepostet:

Hi folks,

After four years I am taking my leave of Gartenbahn Profi magazine. I loved to work
for you and I\'m very proud of the unbeaten quality we achieved.

Personally I felt it was time for a change. I returned to my former job as a
professional freelance journalist focused on high technology, engineering and

Making Gartenbahn Profi was great fun but very time consuming. I wanted more time
for my other customers (reputable German magazines, newspapers and radio/tv stations
under public law) I\'ve been working occasionally. But you cannot run double-track if
you want to do it right. It wasn\'t easy, but I took my decision.

Of course I will continue contributing to GBP keeping the NA market in focus. So
we\'ll meet again from time to time.

Thanks for your cooperation and the fun we had, I really appreciated it. I will keep
in touch with our NA contributors, so I won\'t be out of sight. I\'m sure that
co-editor Hans-Joachim Gilbert and some talented freelancers will keep to the high
standards we\'ve jointly achieved to make Gartenbahn Profi the leading European
garden railway magazine. Please feel free to support Hajo or contact me if you have

Goodbye and CU,

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