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Thema: Ein paar Infos bei LGBoA
Autor: Knut8 S.8
Datum: 13.09.2007 20:13

Geschrieben von Beat H. SchweizerIch kenne Mike Leppan nicht (noch nicht?). Die LGB-Vertretung in Südafrika, ich habe dies auch schon mal gepostet, ist von Rondebosch (bei Egoli,

Hallo Beat -

Mike Leppan behauptet er sei Importeur von LGB für Süd Afrika - wieweit das stimmt weiß ich allerdings nicht, da sitzt du ja an der Quelle.

Ich habe das von diesem Post vom 11. Sept. 2007 - demzufolge ist er schon länger Importeur. Vielleicht sollte man man anfragen wieso LGB-fans in Süd Afrika noch nie von ihm gehört haben.


Have some news I can pass on, and although it does not directly
involve the LGB brand in the States until Maerklin and LGBoA reach
some sort of agreement, it does clarify the process for the rest of
the world.
I spoke with Anne Aumer and Gerd Uhlmann who are the two people now
seemingly responsible for taking LGB out of the refuse pile and into
2008. They have both stated that letters confirming distribution
rights, and agreements will be posted out tomorrow, 12.09.2007 to all
existing dealers around the globe, and I expect this to exclude LGBoA
for the momment.. I was even asked if I wanted my back orders from
early January to still be mailed! (I am the importer of LGB for South
Africa) or was until the house came tumbling down!

Shipping and distribution will start with existing stocks still in
the warehouses in Neurenburg, on around the 24th of this month.
Currently around 16 ex LGB employees have been employed by LGB/
Maerklin and Trix in an effort to restore some former glory to the
LGB range. Production looks to be aimed for Hungary, and has already
started with production of track components. The Old Depeshe magazine
is due for the printers in the matter of days as well.... There are I
feel many good things that will rise out of the ashes of the old, but
these things will take time, and we must just be patient.. I will try
and update with news as I get it, and if I can share it..
Kind Regards
Mike leppan


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