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ThemaSchöntag bei LGB ausgestiegen85 Beiträge
AutorKnut8 S.8, Belleville / Canada288186
Datum24.02.2007 23:05      MSG-Nr: [ 288186 ]54045 x gelesen

Geschrieben von Rüdiger PflipsSchluss mit Vermutungen - lest die offiziellen Worte des Presidenten LGB of America von Gestern.
Kann leider nicht verlinken, daher die entsprechende Adresse:

Er hat seinen Kunden -und damit auch uns- reinen Wein eingeschenkt.

Trotzdem hoffe ich auf einen glücklichen Ausgang!

Hallo Rüdiger -

Das ist nicht so neu wie dargestellt wird!

Das ist einfach die Übersetzung des englischen Emails welches am 14. Februar verschickt wurde. Dieses Email ist wahrscheinlich auch die Quelle des Artikels in der Nürnberger Zeitung vom 16. Februar.

Seitdem haben sich schon wieder neue Sachen bzl. LGB ergeben.

Gruß Knut

Hier ist das Original Email:

LGB News - February 14, 2007

A New Home for the LGB Family

First, we want to thank all of you for your patience as we work through the issues related to the problems at E.P. Lehmann in Germany. Because the situation is sensitive, we have been hesitant to make any public statement, but we know that you are more than just customers, you are members of the LGB family. So we are writing to keep you informed of the latest developments at E.P. Lehmann and here at LGB of America.

We learned today that Mr. Schöntag, the announced buyer of E.P. Lehmann, has been unable to secure bank financing to complete the purchase. Although we believe that another buyer or investor will be found, this is an extremely difficult situation for our many friends at Lehmann, and we wish them all the best.

However, LGB will live and thrive, with or without Lehmann. Here is the key: LGB of America owns the trademark and marketing rights for LGB for the entire world except Germany, and we are working hard to ensure that the production of LGB products -- with all the quality you expect from LGB -- continues long into the future.

There will be delays in announcing new products this year, but there will be new products . including a new American-prototype loco that we believe you'll be very excited about. We do expect short-term shortages of some items, but we do expect to have ample supply of those items in the future. We'll continue to ship from our warehouse in New Jersey, and we'll continue to provide service from San Diego. In short, the LGB family has a new home . at LGB of America.

And meanwhile, we're adding new rooms to that home. When LGBoA gained its independence in August, we said we would look for other quality products for our customers. For example, we are already shipping the new PIKO "Taurus" G-scale loco, and you can be sure there will more announcements of new lines in the coming days and months.

I know the road has been and will be bumpy, but the support we have received from you has given us the strength to overcome all kinds of obstacles. Together, we are family, and together, we are LGB.

Happy LGBing!
Tony Castellano
President, LGB of America

P.S. Our David Buffington will be available to answer your questions through a special online interview to be hosted by Jon DeKeles of Large Scale Online and posted at on Friday. Just visit to submit your questions.

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 22.02.2007 18:29 , Dietmannsried
 22.02.2007 18:33 , Erlensee
 22.02.2007 18:46 , Dietmannsried
 22.02.2007 19:15 , Jungingen
 22.02.2007 19:19 , Lontzen
 22.02.2007 19:17 , Lontzen
 22.02.2007 19:35 , Menden (Sauerland)
 22.02.2007 19:45 , Lontzen
 22.02.2007 19:51 , wartenberg
 22.02.2007 21:10 , Steinfurt
 23.02.2007 18:36 , Solingen
 23.02.2007 18:44 , Solingen
 22.02.2007 21:11 , Meerbusch
 22.02.2007 22:05 , Friesland
 22.02.2007 22:12 , Menden (Sauerland)
 23.02.2007 05:36 , Friesland
 23.02.2007 08:35 , Menden (Sauerland)
 23.02.2007 08:51 , Meerbusch
 23.02.2007 09:51 , Amerika
 23.02.2007 07:54 , Düsseldorf
 23.02.2007 07:58 , Steinfurt
 23.02.2007 07:55 , Köln
 23.02.2007 08:31 , Weinstadt-Grossheppach
 23.02.2007 11:18 , KISDORF / Südholstein
 23.02.2007 12:56 , D - Krähwinkel
 23.02.2007 14:37 , Bärlin - Steglitz/Zehlendorf
 23.02.2007 16:02 , Berlin
 23.02.2007 18:27 , D - Krähwinkel
 23.02.2007 19:23 , Herbipolis
 23.02.2007 19:44 , Jungingen
 23.02.2007 19:49 , Herbipolis
 23.02.2007 20:34 , D - Krähwinkel
 23.02.2007 21:11 , wartenberg
 23.02.2007 21:19 , München
 23.02.2007 18:32 , Bärlin - Steglitz/Zehlendorf
 23.02.2007 19:02 , D - Krähwinkel
 23.02.2007 21:22 , Bärlin - Steglitz/Zehlendorf
 23.02.2007 23:37 , Leipzig
 24.02.2007 07:42 , Weinstadt-Grossheppach
 24.02.2007 09:30 , Völklingen
 23.02.2007 19:21 , Berlin
 23.02.2007 16:24 , Region Aarau
 23.02.2007 18:02 , Amerika
 24.02.2007 10:33 , Weinstadt-Grossheppach
 24.02.2007 10:52 , Leipzig
 24.02.2007 11:16 , Völklingen
 24.02.2007 15:36 , Belleville
 24.02.2007 16:22 , Leipzig
 24.02.2007 16:49 , Belleville
 24.02.2007 17:17 , D - Krähwinkel
 24.02.2007 19:29 , Somerset West
 24.02.2007 20:07 , Lontzen
 24.02.2007 21:10 , Leipzig
 24.02.2007 21:37 , D - Krähwinkel
 24.02.2007 21:51 , Lontzen
 24.02.2007 22:48 , Wangerland-Hooksiel
 24.02.2007 23:05 , Belleville
 25.02.2007 00:21 , Augsburg
 25.02.2007 08:38 , Steinfurt
 25.02.2007 10:00 , Wien
 25.02.2007 10:35 , Steinfurt
 25.02.2007 11:25 , Lontzen
 25.02.2007 12:19 , Wien
 25.02.2007 12:41 , Lontzen
 25.02.2007 12:44 , Potsdam
 25.02.2007 13:00 , Leipzig
 25.02.2007 13:23 , Leipzig
 25.02.2007 17:22 , Belleville
 25.02.2007 13:25 , Lontzen
 25.02.2007 13:43 , Steinfurt
 25.02.2007 13:59 , Jungingen
 25.02.2007 14:19 , Amerika
 26.02.2007 11:06 , Wien
 26.02.2007 15:38 , Turnhout
 26.02.2007 15:45 , Nürnberg
 25.02.2007 14:20 , D - Krähwinkel
 25.02.2007 14:40 , wartenberg
 25.02.2007 14:47 , Pulheim
 25.02.2007 14:51 , Lontzen
 25.02.2007 15:30 , Nindorf
 25.02.2007 15:32 , Amerika
 25.02.2007 15:47 , Nindorf
 25.02.2007 13:46 , Dietmannsried
 25.02.2007 13:54 , Leipzig
 25.02.2007 15:55 , Völklingen


Schöntag bei LGB ausgestiegen - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt