
RubrikVeranstaltungen zurück
ThemaMOMING'08 - Bilder von der Veranstaltung4 Beiträge
AutorBros8ch 8H., Winsen Luhe / 302344
Datum03.08.2008 07:34      MSG-Nr: [ 302344 ]3112 x gelesen

In kam folgender Link

Moin und tschüß


..... Molinaro's photo report of
MOMING'08 (and other Telford NG exhibits) is now available. There are
some 58 pictures devoted to the MOMING exhibits and a further 45 of
the rest of the exhibition. I hope these will be enjoyed and that
perhaps the rest of Jacky's web-site will be of interest (much of it
is available in English as well as French).

Christopher Payne
(MOMING Co-ordinator)

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 03.08.2008 07:34 , Winsen Luhe
 03.08.2008 08:06 , Winsen Luhe
 03.08.2008 12:24 , Südholstein
 03.08.2008 09:47 , Dumeklemmercity


MOMING\'08 - Bilder von der Veranstaltung - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt