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ThemaMTH UP Big Boy digitalisieren21 Beiträge
AutorOthm8ar 8O., Petronell-Carnuntum / 285613
Datum07.12.2006 17:22      MSG-Nr: [ 285613 ]10162 x gelesen

Naja, wie gesagt wird ein MX690V mit Skelett vom DCS2.0. Zu unten stehenden kann man nur sagen. Der Wille ist da, man hat auch auf mein Mail geantwortet, aber die Zeit spricht dagegen.

Originalauszug aus dem Antwortschreiben von MTH:

We do have plans on producing a Proto-Sound 3.0 upgrade for our O and One Gauge products. Such an upgrade will become available when the latest version of Proto-Sound 3.0 is produced for our regular O and One Gauge products. The current version of Proto-Sound 3.0 is only for our HO products and is not robust enough for the higher amperage requirements of O and One Gauge model railroads. At this point, we expect this new version of Proto-Sound 3.0 to begin appearing in our products in late 2007. Upgrade boards would be available shortly after that (early 2008).


M.T.H. Customer Service

Gruß Othmar

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 18.11.2006 11:36 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 20.11.2006 18:16 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 20.11.2006 20:16 , Wien
 20.11.2006 20:29 , D - Krähwinkel
 20.11.2006 21:42 , Belleville, Canada
 21.11.2006 18:03 , Belleville, Canada
 21.11.2006 20:24 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 21.11.2006 21:42 , Belleville, Canada
 21.11.2006 22:17 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 22.11.2006 20:00 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 22.11.2006 20:43 , Berlin
 22.11.2006 23:56 , Belleville
 23.11.2006 07:05 , Duisburg
 23.11.2006 21:00 , Bielefeld
 23.11.2006 21:18 , Lontzen
 23.11.2006 21:20 , Belleville
 23.11.2006 11:13 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 23.11.2006 11:50 , Wien
 23.11.2006 15:03 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 23.11.2006 20:15 , Belleville
 07.12.2006 17:22 , Petronell-Carnuntum


MTH UP Big Boy digitalisieren - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt