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ThemaEinhundert Fuß Kohlezug im heimischen Garten17 Beiträge
AutorPius8 J.8, Phoenix AZ / 291596
Datum28.05.2007 21:34      MSG-Nr: [ 291596 ]6163 x gelesen

Hi Othmar,
im selben forum findest du die antwort zu deiner frage.

Good question, I just happen to pay attention on this run and believe it or not it ran from around .8amp to 1.7 amp (or so) at 20 volts. This is with the engines going at a slow 11 SMPH.

I'm not sure how the DCS electronics does it, but it somehow makes amp hungry engines sip the power. To do this same thing on straight track power before the engines were converted to MTH DCS, each engine consumed 3amps(if I remember correctly), so this whole train to run like this would have taken probably 9 amps+ at the same speed.


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 28.05.2007 13:27 , Krähwinkel
 28.05.2007 16:24 , Belleville
 28.05.2007 17:18 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 28.05.2007 17:40 , Belleville
 28.05.2007 21:08 , Petronell-Carnuntum
 28.05.2007 21:34 , Phoenix AZ
 28.05.2007 21:21 , Phoenix AZ
 28.05.2007 21:51 , Belleville
 28.05.2007 22:45 , Phoenix AZ
 28.05.2007 22:49 , Phoenix AZ
 28.05.2007 22:40 , Krähwinkel
 29.05.2007 00:57 , Belleville
 29.05.2007 01:44 , Phoenix AZ
 29.05.2007 02:30 , Belleville
 29.05.2007 02:47 , Phoenix AZ
 29.05.2007 04:22 , Belleville
 29.05.2007 10:31 , Krähwinkel


Einhundert Fuß Kohlezug im heimischen Garten - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt