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Thema175 ANNIVERSARY OF DB6 Beiträge
AutorJOHN8 .8, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK / United States310902
Datum15.03.2010 00:46      MSG-Nr: [ 310902 ]3021 x gelesen

Thanks to all for the replys to my 175 anniversary questions.

We are on our way to Koblenz.

Is anyone out there knowledgeable about a good place along Mousel and Rhine around Koblenz to view the historic trains as they are on tour.

Our purpose is to get some good action shots of the real locomotives and cars, outside the station, that we model and run on our layouts.

Happy 175 anniversary of the German trains to all!

John Hagedorn

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 13.03.2010 09:10 , LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK
 13.03.2010 10:21 , SAL
 13.03.2010 11:27 , Nürnberg
 13.03.2010 22:21 , Köln + Hamburg
 13.03.2010 22:22 , Köln + Hamburg
 15.03.2010 00:46 , LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK


175 ANNIVERSARY OF DB - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt