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ThemaDash-9 BCR / CP Rail28 Beiträge
AutorJürg8en 8M., Belleville, Canada / 284629
Datum05.11.2006 19:35      MSG-Nr: [ 284629 ]12718 x gelesen

Geschrieben von Johannes SchürcksOb die CP auch normale 9's fährt entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis.

Hallo Jan,

Dies stand im Aristocraft Forum:

CP hatte nur die AC4400 version aber die Drehgestellblenden bei der CP Lok waren anders als bei der normalen AC4400.

The following is not meant to be from a "rivet counter" perspective:

As to the prospects of a Canadian Pacific dash 9 model, it is my understanding that CP only had the AC4400 version - albeit similar looking.

But what I have noticed, too, is the truck side frames are also different on the CP AC4400s compared to the typical AC4400s or dash 9s used on the U.S. railroads.

Though not to perfection - but to make the Aristo CP "dash 9" look a little more like the prototype - I was wondering if the Aristo SD45 motor block side frames would make for a better compromise if one were to retrofit them?


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 01.11.2006 19:53 , Rheinberg
 01.11.2006 20:10 , Menden (Sauerland)
 01.11.2006 20:22 , Rheinberg
 01.11.2006 20:41 , Belleville, Canada
 01.11.2006 20:53 , Belleville, Canada
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 01.11.2006 21:54 , Belleville, Canada
 01.11.2006 22:28 , Rheinberg
 01.11.2006 22:55 , Belleville, Canada
 04.11.2006 18:11 , Rheinberg
 04.11.2006 21:21 , Menden (Sauerland)
 05.11.2006 04:25 , Belleville, Canada
 05.11.2006 10:19 , Rheinberg
 05.11.2006 10:33 , Menden (Sauerland)
 05.11.2006 12:05 , Rheinberg
 05.11.2006 19:35 , Belleville, Canada
 05.11.2006 21:14 , Rheinberg
 05.11.2006 22:55 , Belleville, Canada
 08.11.2006 06:06 , Belleville, Canada
 26.12.2006 16:46 , Rheinberg
 27.12.2006 19:10 , Menden (Sauerland)
 27.12.2006 19:27 , D - Krähwinkel
 27.12.2006 20:11 , Berlin
 27.12.2006 20:40 , D - Krähwinkel
 27.12.2006 21:43 , Amerika
 27.12.2006 22:05 , Berlin
 28.12.2006 19:08 , Rheinberg


Dash-9 BCR / CP Rail - Gartenbahn-Forum / © 1996-2016, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt